World Renowned Scientist Inspired By A Bitter Loss Tells The Truth About Fibroid!
Discover A Comprehensive & Guaranteed Approach To Shrinking Large/Multiple Fibroids In A Matter Of Weeks!
An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Indira Hinduja, Carried By Celine Ayad (Journalist, Fibroid Research Foundation)
If you’ve ever lost a child, or imagined the thought of losing a child you hoped for, birthed and nurtured for several years…
Then you’d understand the pain and driving motivation which led a world renowned and highly celebrated scientist and surgeon,
Who not only operates on babies still in the womb…
But also delivered the first test-tube baby in India, as well as the First Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) child,
Which not only changed the face of science but earned her the prestigious Padma Shri award(2011) amongst others.
…to discover a formula which can shrink peanut-sized to large fibroids, even in the most fatal of locations to completely nothing in a matter of weeks!
Dr. Indira Hinduja, MBBS, DGO, MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), and Chief of Maternal-Foetal Medicine,
Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai India, is one of only a handful doctors who can perform delicate “in-utero” surgeries
I.E Operating on babies within the womb and removing tumours and growths before conception
In case after case, Dr Indira found fetal tumours heal, without scarring or biological damage whatsoever….
Subsequent research determined this miraculous healing capacity was due to an instant shrink and fix,
Incited by stem cell mostly contained in the Umbilical cord, a substance know as Wharton Jelly.
Armed with this knowledge and sadly motivated by the loss of her daughter,
Who died from a heart failure, due to complications of fibroid induced bleeding far from her mothers expertise…
Doctor Indira theorised that, if the protein peptide that is concentrated in the production of Stem Cells in Wharton Jelly can be isolated and clinically produced in a suitable and controlled quantity,
Then the same miraculous result experienced in fetal tumour healing, can be replicated in adult fibroid shrinking and total eradication.
After many scientific trials and meeting several roadblocks with replicating this stem cells,
Success was finally achieved in 2018 with the discovery of same stem cells founds in Wharton Jelly, present in 3 Super rare earth plants,
Together with a team of world class scientist and pharmacist…
A certified safe and highly effective fibroid shrinking formula, with a 100% Fibroid Shrinking Success rate and no recorded relapse in humans was produced!.
These results are not mere numbers but rather, the outcome of actual testing on women living with fibroids.
For example, a study of 50 Fibroid warriors carried out by the Fibroid Research Foundation on a 45day time period.
Were introduced to Dr Indira’s formula…
The results:
Now, many might find the content of this interview strange, and to some confusing and unbelievable,
Yet every word is true…
And for a large proactive set of others, this would be the end to an era of Unwanted Fibrotic Guest ever finding space to grow in their uterus.
This article you’re about to read details an exclusive interview with the award winning specialists Dr Indira, on how her discovery has successfully cured over 15,000 women (The numbers keep going up)….
…Across the world with various sizes, symptoms and degrees of fibrotic complications, with no invasive surgery, no side-effects, and no relapses.
But I must warn you!
Big Pharma companies are not happy about the wicked truths which will be revealed in this article…
And will do everything in their power to keep it buried forever…
So if you exit this page, you’d most likely never find it again…
And you never know whose happiness or life, depends on you stumbling on this article….
Now, without wasting much time let’s hear from the woman bringing back hope to thousands of women across the globe…
in her words;
“I couldn’t save my daughter…. But if by my works, no girl child in my generation or generations to come will ever know or suffer the pain, complications and torture of Fibroids… Then I can die today a happy woman knowing I’ve fulfilled a purpose far greater than I could ever have imagined ”
Dr Indira… it is infact a privilege to have you on this show, you’ve indeed been a blessing to thousands of women across the globe…
Could you give a brief introduction of yourself?
Thanks a lot for having me…
Like you already know, my name is Dr Indira Hinduja, head pediatric surgeon and Chief of Maternal-Foetal Medicine, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai India.
I am 1 in just 5 licensed female surgeon of foetal physiology across the world.
I was a practicing gynaecologist for over 35yrs and worked closely with several hundreds of women with various degrees of fertility concerns here in India.
A large majority of these women at almost 65% from ages 25 and above, suffered from fibroid related complications…
Over the years and especially with my daughters demise from fibroid related heart failure…
Having been ill-advised by a young doctor, while she studied in Europe to simply observe her fibroid because it provided no real symptom,
Due to poor communication and before the era of social media and video calls, I didn’t get the information in time…
And by the time I did, she was already hospitalised and died from an apparent heart failure,
caused by anaemia related to her fibroids…
just two days before i could bring her back to India for proper treatment.
This singular painful experience inspired me to put together a team,
because honestly under my care, I never saw anyone die from a fibroid…
Most women had come to me after miscarriages related to it, but in my at then, 32yrs as a gynaecologist…
The first fibroid related mortality i witnessed, being my own child … shook me to my core.
So I and my team worked tirelessly with just one goal
“to end this plague of fibroid on women in India and possibly across the world…”
In past time after several trials and error, we recorded various degrees of roadblocks and successes,
But my discovery of “Wharton Jelly” in the Umbilical cord of babies and then finding trace elements of that same enzymes in three (what I love to call) super plants was the breakthrough the world and millions of women have been waiting for.
With this discovery I and my team of experts have been able to come up with this sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched formula backed by 35,000+ hours of careful trails and testing,
which will not only shrink fibroids, but also discourage and effectively prevents any regrowth.
My dream is to have a fibroid free society, and with our “one woman a time initiative” we’ve been able to reach over 15,000 women in India and a few other countries… The results and feedback has been outstanding!
This Is So Heartbreaking yet Inspiring… Once Again I Symphatise With You On The Loss Of Your Daughter
Thank you.
Now There Seem To Be A Lot Of Confusing Information About What Fibroid Are, Can You Provide Some Facts About This Ailment?
OK… so fibroid are abnormal growths that develop in or around the womb (Uterus).
And are a major cause of morbidity (Illness) in women of reproductive health,
and even after menopause.
An estimated 40% to 60% of women will have fibroid by age 35.
And up to 80% of them by age 50
These growths are made of smooth muscle cells with connective fibrous tissue and vary from tiny pea-size to large water melon sized fibroid and even bigger.
They can also be a singular tumor or multiple and can grow in different locations in a woman’s womb.
Not all women with fibroid will develop symptoms, most times these symptoms show when the fibroid is bigger and more advanced.
Also Fibroid are almost always non-cancerous, however there have been cases of women with a rare form of cancerous fibroid known as leiomyosarcoma,
Which can multiply rapidly and totally destroy the womb of a woman.
However, that a fibroid is non-cancerous doesn’t make it less problematic/dangerous,
These non-cancerous fibroid also come with several complications which can be very detrimental to a woman’s reproductive health and general well being.
For example, fibroid present during pregnancies are largely associated with preterm labor, placenta irruption, breech birth, cesarean delivery or abnormal labour.
Also fibroid can present other complications like heavy bleeding which can result in anaemia (an inadequate number of red blood cells) and without proper care can lead to poor immunity, heart failure and other life threatening complication.
Fibroid are also described by the areas in which they appear;
Intramural Fibroids:
Submucosal Fibroids
Subserosal Fibroids
So What Exposes A Woman To The Risk Of Developing A Fibroid?
Since fibroid only presents itself during or after the reproductive years of a woman,
We can easily say that any woman of reproductive age has a tendency to develop a fibroid…
However there are more important factors which increases a woman’s risk of developing fibroid asides age,
Some of which are;
But all these mostly boils down to one very key factor, which is : A Very High Oestrogen level.
Oh Wow, Please Shed More Light On This
Basically any imbalance in Oestrogen & Progesterone, which are the two main female hormones can greatly affect a woman’s health.
Oestrogen is actually a steroid hormone that manages the growth of the uterus and replacement of its lining, which is shed each month during menstruation.
Progesterone manages menstruation itself by getting the body ready for pregnancy each month, and by supplying the uterus sustenance to encourage the implantation of fertilised eggs.
Now, If oestrogen levels are too high, it can lead to fibroid development and growth..
And if you don’t have sufficient progesterone, the body can’t stop the growth.
Does This Mean That Balancing Oestrogen and Progesterone Levels In The Body Is The Key To Fibroid Treatment?
I honestly wish it was that simple,
Balancing hormones is only so great before a fibroid develop,
But the truth is once a fibroid has formed…
especially one that has began to provide its host with a lot of discomfort and pain,
although balancing the hormones would be a crucial part of treatment and in discouraging future growth…
It would however have minimal effect on already developed fibroids.
Progesterone therapy for example can help with reducing the pain and stopping further growth of the fibroid, but it will not shrink or cure it.
And unfortunately this therapy also comes with a host of negative side effects like weight gain, fatigue, insomnia and therefore can only be used for a very limited period of time usually less than a week.
Also this is less effective in cases of larger or multiple fibroid.
Great information. So How Is One Diagnosed With Fibroid And What Symptoms Are Usually Present?
Because some fibroid can develop without symptoms, a lot of women go without knowing they carry these tumours…
However, most fibroid are usually detected during pelvic exams to check the uterus, ovaries and vagina.
Here the doctor might feel the fibroid with his/her finger as a (usually painless) lump or mass on the uterus.
However imaging test is required to confirm the presence of fibroid…
These test might include;
Most fibroid at the initial stage do not cause any symptoms but eventually women with more developed fibroid will experience;
What Are The Dangers of An Untreated Fibroid?
There are many myths women tell themselves, and this deceives them to ignore their fibroids in it’s early stage because it presents no real symptoms…
A system they like to call “Watchful Waiting”
But as with all medical conditions, the earlier an ailment is treated, the easier and more effective the treatment is likely to be.
So one thing anyone dealing with fibroid needs to know is that “Fibroid, Gets Worse With Time”
And if this continues till menopause, these ugly tumour might destroy their chances of ever conceiving.
What’s Your Take On Fibroid Surgeries?
Before now, as a gynaecologist with over 35yrs experience.
When i speak on health summits and talk shows, I’d usually advice fibroid sufferers to think of surgery as the ultimate last resort.
Most times, I advice that they don’t think of it at all…
And this is one reason why, it is highly advisable to treat fibroid in its early stage when detected,
so it never gets to a point where you need surgery.
Aside the heavy financial cost, a Myomectomy (Surgery for fibroid removal) is a major and very delicate surgery which need to be carried out by seasoned doctors, who have had several years of active practice taking out these tumour (At least 15-30 successful surgeries per year).
So when these may not be readily available in some regions, especially 3rd world countries with a poor educational and health standard or even carelessness…
A myomectomy can be a huge risk, especially for women with hopes/plan to conceive children.
I say this because I’ve seen young doctors make very serious and irrevocable damages, to what would have been a woman’s only chance of conception…
Thank goodness for the advancement of science.
Also, a myomectomy is too much of an invasive procedure, for relief that is not permanent,
as this only takes care of existing fibroids, the possibility of regrowth is still as high as 85%!
How many times would the stomach be cut? not to speak of the longer healing time!
I’d only advice surgery in emergency cases where fibroids have grown way too large, and has began to affect vital organs or poses a huge threat of bursting inside the womb of it’s host…
Which can lead to death when not taken out as soon as possible.
No fibroid should ever get to this point!
Wow, Doctor Please Tell Us About your Formula And How It Can Help Rid Fibroid For Good?
So this formula is called Fibrozin Active Complex
Fibrozin Active Complex is a CLINICALLY PROVEN Holistic formula which works to Permanently Reverse Uterine Fibroids, Naturally and Safely, Boosting fertility, and also aids in Regaining Your Natural Balance.
By providing fibrinolytic (fibrin eating) enzymes specifically selected to address fibrin build up…
Fibrozin was formulated by the best minds in female reproduction physiology, to support fibroid dissolving, hormonal balance and also give a boost to fertility.
Fibrozin is made from selected super plant extracts that produce a natural source of;
You can also take Fibrozin to safely regulate hormonal balance and modulate inflammation while promoting the reduction of fibrin.
It is the best natural fibroid treatment without surgery
What Results Are To Be Expected From Using Fibrozin?
Patients should ultimately expect a total healing and shrinkage of every trace of fibroid in their uterus (regardless of size and type) and no further regrowth.
However Healing Will Come In Three Phases:
Phase 1: Balance Hormones
This would occur in the first 15 days of taking Fibrozin…
Thanks To The Presence Of Vitex Derived From The Semen Persicae Herb
Vitex is a gentle remedy where current research support documented historical wisdom.
It is a slow acting but reliable, highly effective and supreme compound for women when it comes to regulating hormonal health and balance
Phase 2: Activate Fibronol To Starve Fibroids And Gradually Shrink Them
This phase kicks off after 15days of active intake of fibrozin,
I.E after a certain level of hormonal balance has been achieved..
This phase is activated due to a concentration of multiple fibrin eating enzymes found in black cohosh (A major component of the fibrozin formula).
In fact, a study of 244 patients, black cohosh extract was 9times more effective against uterine fibroid than a drug called tibolon.
One 3-month study in 244 postmenopausal women found that supplementing daily with 40 mg of black cohosh may decrease the size of uterine fibroids by up to 83%
Phase 3: Activate an Anti-Fibroid Defence To Discourage New Fibroid Growth In Or Around The Uterus
Poria Mushroom another major component of Fibrozin active complex,
Has countless beneficial actions including Anti-tumor, Anti-inflammation, Anti-oxidants, Anti-aging, and Immuno-modulatory.
This powerful herb is a natural source of the verteporfin compound most similar to the enzymes which makes up Wharton Jelly, found in the umbilical cord of babies.
With continuous intake of the Fibrozin Active Complex, Verteporfin is activate to form a smart defence (in layman term)…
which decreased cell proliferation, gene and protein expression of key factors promoting fibrosis and mechanotransduction in fibroid cells, whose effects can last way over 45yrs.
In other words, this verteporfin recognises foreign fibroid cells, acts as an immunity destroying them without harming normal cells that make up a healthy uterus
Previous Pack
I lost my first pregnancy to fibroid complications and it was only by miracle that I was able to carry the second to term.
This treatment was recommeded to me by a friend who was travelling in India, she got me the complete treatment of 3months…
And not only did this completely shrink my 24cm fibroid to nothing, but also my 3rd pregnancy can be described like the biblical Hebrew woman. Quick and Without Complications!
New & Improved Product
I’m currently 38yrs of age. 7 years ago, I had surgery to take out multiple fibroids in my womb. Ever since then, my period totally ceased. The doctor assured me that it would come back with recovery but 6yrs+ and no show!
I’ve gone to several hospitals, tried several treatments, yet nothing. To make matters worse, a smaller fibroid was detected last year.
Fortunately for me, I stumbled on this treatment about 7weeks ago and after much contemplation, I decided to give it a trial.
Even though I’m still on my 3rd bottle, I’m really just excited to say that my period has come back, and not only that my urge for frequent urination has subsided.
I’m yet to go for a test to ascertain it’s effect on the new fibroid, but this positive improvement is worth sharing. Thank you!
Previous Pack
All I can say is this works… It really does, and no observable side effect on my end.
I feel like Fibrozin gave me a brand new uterus. It’s feels almost surreal to have my monthly flow without ending up at the hospital.
My condition was so bad, I missed two consecutive months and my doctor called to confirm I was still alive and kicking.
Thank you Dr Indira for giving me wings to enjoy life as a woman.
New & Improved Product
I like that the packaging has been improved. I got the 1month supply previously for my wife which was the older design. While we saw very positive results, the packaging was quite disappointing.
I’m glad to see that they have taken customers feedback and given us an improved product. On product efficacy, the positive feedback from my wife hasn’t declined, the fibroid lump in her stomach seems to be reducing gradually, so I can definitely recommend this treatment
I come from a family line plagued by fibroids. As much as I know, my mom had fibroids, her mom and sister had fibroid, and I had my daughters via CS due to fibroids.
It was totally heartbreaking to see my beautiful girls have their first flow accompanied with pain, and it was only a matter of time before our doctor found a fibroid in my eldest daughter.
My family is a living testimony to the effectiveness of Fibrozin. My aunt with the largest fibroid at about 35cm, has had it shrink to 8cm in a month and half.
Every woman of reproductive age definitely needs fibrozin.
I was seriously ill when the doctors came to my village for a medical outreach.
I couldn’t go out because of the pains were unbearable, so my son begged them to come to me.
I showed them fibroid photo (Ultra-Sound Imaging). They gave me this drug (Fibrozin).
It’s been 3months now, I feel no more pain and no longer look pregnant.
We’ve tried distributing “Fibrozin” through major pharmaceutical outlets and health distributors for a while,
across a few European and African countries…
However, we decided to break the contracts for the supply of “Fibrozin” to stores because they started to sell this treatment with an over 500% increase in price!
This is not the legacy I intend to leave… “Discovering a cure that only the rich and powerful can afford”
Healthcare should not be exclusive to a certain financial class.
That is why we have broken the contract with all those companies.
Instead of waging a futile war against those who inflate the price to ridiculous amounts…
Our team came up with an ingenious idea to only distribute via online sale so as to ensure that our users not only get favourable prices,
How Will This Online Sale Work?
Basically depending on your country, this interview will be transcribed to your local languages and official prices will be displayed in the local currency.
Now to save users the long waiting time in shipping from India to their respective countries,
We have partnered with our sole distributor currently which is Health Living , which has presence in over 36 countries of the world…
And shipped this treatment directly to their store front.
So you can be rest assured that as long as this interview displays in you local language and the price in your local currency,
This treatment will be available for delivery within 24-48hours.
So This Part We Have Confirmed… But For The Sake Of Concerned Readers, Could You Let Them Know What Medical Certification This Treatment Possesses?
Most definitely…
This treatment is classified Safe for Consumption and holds 4 world recognised certification from…
Is There Any Restriction To Who Can Use It?
Yes, this treatment can be used by all women of reproductive age, diagnosed with Fibroids…
EXCEPT Pregnant and Breast-Feeding Mothers.
The child will have to be totalled weaven off the mother, before she can proceed with treatment.
Awesome!… Is There Anything Else You’d Like To Tell Our Readers?
Yes please…
To anyone reading this, I need you to understand that,
Your uterus is a very delicate organ,
It bring new life into the world, so you shouldn’t be comfortable with the presence of another foreign body growing in such delicate space.
Also to anyone who might have interest in the Fibrozin Active complex,
I can’t stress the need for consistency.
Don’t get too excited by the early relief you might get and forget to stay consistent with treatment.
Remember, our goal is not just to shrink fibroids and relieve all its symptoms…
But also to eradicate, the possibility of any regrowth…
To activate this final phase, you need to have taken this treatment for a period of minimum 3months.
2 supplement in the morning and another 2 at night, both after meals… To be take with water or diluted lemon/lime water for improved efficacy.
Also to reduce the financial burden on women,
We’ve instructed our partners to allow a 40% discount on all request on the official order forms.
With the permission of the publisher, we will place the OFFICIAL ORDER FORM immediately after the end of the interview!
There, you have to enter your name, phone number and few other detail, then press the “ORDER NOW WITH 40% DISCOUNT” button,
After which an operator will call you!
They will tell you in detail about the product and answer all your questions of treatment and delivery.
You do not pay a dime until the treatment is delivered to you.
3 Month Supply
Single/Multiple Fibroid Above 8cm & Infertility (Recommended)
N86,500 235,000
Free Delivery
2 Month Supply
Single/Multiple Fibroids of Up To 8cm
N66,500 150,000
Free Delivery
Attention: If you are not financially ready to get this treatment, please do not place a request…
Due to limited stock, we do not make reservations, as delivery will be made to whoever is readily available, irrespective of time of request.