World Renowned Scientist Inspired By A Bitter Loss Tells The Truth About Fibroid!


Discover A Comprehensive & Guaranteed Approach To Shrinking Large/Multiple Fibroids In A Matter Of Weeks!

An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Indira Hinduja, Carried By Celine Ayad (Journalist, Fibroid Research Foundation)

After losing a child, Dr. Indira Hinduja understood the heartbreak all too well.

As a celebrated scientist and surgeon, she had already achieved incredible milestones—she delivered India’s first test-tube baby and performed the first GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer) procedure.

But her personal experience with loss pushed her to find a solution for a problem that affects many women: fibroids.

Driven by this pain, she developed a revolutionary formula that can shrink fibroids—no matter how large or where they’re located—down to nothing in just a few weeks.

Dr. Hinduja’s groundbreaking work has helped countless women save their fertility, and she’s even performed delicate surgeries on babies while still in the womb, giving families hope and life.

Dr. Indira Hinduja discovered that tumors in unborn babies healed without scars, thanks to stem cells in the umbilical cord’s Wharton’s Jelly.

This inspired her to believe that if these same stem cells could be used, they could help shrink and get rid of fibroids in women.

After many trials, she and a team of scientists found the same stem cells in three rare plants.

In 2018, they created a safe and powerful formula that shrinks fibroids with a 99.9% success rate and no relapses.

Dr Indira (2nd right) at a younger age, after a succesful delivery of First Test Tube Baby, with Dr J Peters (1st left) & Dr K Zaveri (3rd Left) also key contributors in the fibroid formula

These results aren’t just numbers—they come from actual testing on women with fibroids. The Fibroid Research Foundation conducted a study on 50 women over 45 days.

  • 15 women had small fibroids (less than 8cm, like a cherry)
  • 20 had medium fibroids (between 8-18cm, like an orange)
  • 15 had large fibroids (18cm or bigger, like a grapefruit or watermelon)

All the women were treated with Dr. Indira Hinduja’s formula.

The results were incredible:

  • 32 women (all 15 with small fibroids and 17 with medium fibroids) saw their fibroids completely shrink in 30 to 45 days.
  • All women with large fibroids saw theirs shrink to small sizes.
  • After 90 days, every single one of the 50 women was confirmed fibroid-free!

Some may find this interview strange or hard to believe, but every word is true.

For many women, this could be the end of the struggle with fibroids.

But be warned—Big Pharma isn’t happy about this, and they’ll do everything they can to keep it hidden.

If you leave this page now, you may never find this information again.

So, if you’re reading this, know that you’re about to hear from the woman who’s bringing hope to thousands of women worldwide.

In this exclusive interview, Dr. Indira Hinduja reveals how her discovery has successfully treated over 15,000 women (and counting) with fibroids of all sizes and symptoms—without surgery, side effects, or relapses.

Dr Indira Hinduja Receiving The Inspiring Gynaecologist at the Economic Times, Apollo Fertility

“I couldn’t save my daughter….  But if by my works, no girl child in my generation or generations to come will ever know or suffer the pain, complications and torture of Fibroids… Then I can die today a happy woman knowing I’ve fulfilled a purpose far greater than I could ever have imagined

Dr Indira… it is infact a privilege to have you on this show, you’ve indeed been a blessing to thousands of women across the globe…

Could you give a brief introduction of yourself?

“Thank you for having me. I’m Dr. Indira Hinduja, Chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai.

I’m one of only five licensed female fetal surgeons in the world and have been a gynecologist for over 35 years.

Throughout my career, I’ve treated many women, and about 65% have had issues with fibroids.

The hardest moment for me was when my daughter, studying in Europe, died from heart failure because of fibroid-related anemia. 

I couldn’t get her the help she needed in time due to poor advice.

This pain drove me to find a solution. 

I gathered a team to tackle fibroids and help women everywhere.

After years of research, we discovered that an enzyme in Wharton Jelly from umbilical cords, found in three special plants, can shrink fibroids and stop them from coming back.

With over 35,000 hours of testing, we’ve created a proven formula that guarantees fibroid shrinkage and prevents them from growing back.

Through our ‘One Woman at a Time’ initiative, we’ve already helped over 15,000 women in India and other countries, and the results have been incredible.

My dream is to create a fibroid-free society, and we’re making that dream come true, one woman at a time.”

This Is So Heartbreaking yet Inspiring… Once Again I Symphatise With You On The Loss Of Your Daughter

Thank you.

Now There Seem To Be A Lot Of Confusing Information About What Fibroid Are, Can You Provide Some Facts About This Ailment?

Fibroids are abnormal growths that form in or around the womb (uterus) and can cause health problems for women at any age, even after menopause.

It’s estimated that 40% to 60% of women will have fibroids by age 35, and up to 80% by age 50.

These growths are made of muscle and fibrous tissue and can be as small as a pea or as large as a watermelon.

They can appear as single tumors or multiple ones in different parts of the womb.

Not every woman with fibroids will feel symptoms; usually, problems arise when the fibroids grow larger.

While most fibroids are not cancerous, there are rare cases of a dangerous type called leiomyosarcoma that can grow quickly and harm the womb.

While fibroids are not cancerous, they can still cause serious problems for women. 

These growths can lead to complications that affect both reproductive health and overall well-being.

For example, if a woman has fibroids during pregnancy, she might face issues like preterm labor, problems with the placenta, breech birth, or a higher chance of needing a cesarean section. 

Fibroids can also cause heavy bleeding, which can lead to anemia (a lack of healthy red blood cells). This can weaken the immune system and, in severe cases, cause heart problems or other serious health issues.

Fibroids are classified based on where they grow:

 Intramural Fibroids:

The most common type

  • Grow inside the muscular wall of the uterus
  • Can press on the bladder, causing frequent urination
  • May lead to infertility and miscarriages

Submucosal Fibroids:

Bulge into the uterine cavity just under the inner lining

  • Can interfere with the lining, making it hard for an embryo to implant, leading to infertility
  • Symptoms often include heavy and irregular bleeding

Subserosal Fibroids:

Grow outside the uterus on the outer membrane

  • Can become large enough to make the womb look bigger from the outside

Understanding these complications is important for women to seek help and improve their health.

So What Exposes A Woman To The Risk Of Developing A Fibroid?

Since fibroid only presents itself during or after the reproductive years of a woman,

We can easily say that any woman of reproductive age has a tendency to develop a fibroid…

However there are more important factors which increases a woman’s risk of developing fibroid asides age,

Some of which are;

  • Family History: Having a family member with fibroid increases your risk of developing it. For example if a woman’s mother had fibroid, her risk of having them is about 3 times higher than average.
  • Obesity: for  very heavy women, the risk is 2 or 3times greater than average
  • Ethnic Origin: African American women are more likely to develop fibroid than caucasain women (reason still unknown)
  • Getting periods at a really young age eg 7-9
  • Women who got pregnant really early in life
  • Common in women with high blood pressure
  • Diet: Eating a lot of red meat can spike the growth of fibroid
  • Environment factors e.t.c…

But all these mostly boils down to one very key factor, which is : A Very High Oestrogen level.

Oh Wow, Please Shed More Light On This

An imbalance between Estrogen and Progesterone, the two main female hormones, can seriously affect a woman’s health.

Estrogen helps control the growth of the uterus and causes the lining to shed each month during menstruation.

Progesterone helps manage periods and prepares the body for pregnancy, making the uterus ready for a fertilized egg.

When estrogen levels are too high, it can lead to the development and growth of fibroids. If there isn’t enough progesterone, the body can’t stop these fibroids from growing.

Does This Mean That Balancing Oestrogen and Progesterone Levels In The Body Is The Key To Fibroid Treatment?

I wish it were that easy.

Balancing hormones helps before fibroids form, but once they’re there, especially if they’re causing pain, things are different.

Hormone balancing is important for treatment and preventing future growth, but it won’t shrink existing fibroids.

Progesterone therapy can ease pain and stop growth, but it won’t cure fibroids.

It can also cause side effects like weight gain and tiredness, and can only be used for a short time, usually less than a week.

It’s less effective for larger or multiple fibroids.

Great information. So How Is One Diagnosed With Fibroid And What Symptoms Are Usually Present?

Many women may not know they have fibroids because some don’t show symptoms.

Most fibroids are found during pelvic exams, where a doctor can feel a painless lump on the uterus.

To confirm fibroids, imaging tests are needed, such as:

  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • X-rays
  • CT scan
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or sonohysterogram

In the early stages, fibroids often don’t cause symptoms, but as they grow, women may experience:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Fever
  • Severe period pain
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain during sex
  • Lower back pain
  • Complications during pregnancy and labor, including a higher chance of needing a cesarean section
  • Reproductive issues like infertility.

What Are The Dangers of An Untreated Fibroid?

Many women believe myths that make them ignore fibroids, thinking they can just “Wait & Watch.” 

But like all medical issues, early treatment is crucial. 

Remember: Fibroids get worse over time.

  • If untreated, fibroids grow in size and number.
  • Symptoms will worsen: pain increases, heavy bleeding gets heavier, and cramping may become severe.
  • As fibroids grow, the abdomen can swell and put pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination.
  • Poorly managed fibroids can lead to loss of bladder control or urinary tract infections.
  • Large fibroids may damage kidneys and circulation, leading to serious issues like blood clots.
  • Women with fibroids may face difficulties conceiving, higher risks of miscarriages, and complications during labor.
  • If left unchecked until menopause, fibroids can destroy chances of conception.
  • Heavy bleeding from fibroids can cause anemia and potentially heart failure.
  • Additionally, fibroids can burst due to high blood pressure, injury, or if they grow too large for their blood supply.

What’s Your Take On Fibroid Surgeries?

As a gynecologist with over 35 years of experience, I often advise women with fibroids to consider surgery only as a last resort.

It’s best to treat fibroids early to avoid the need for surgery altogether.

Surgery, like myomectomy (removal of fibroids), is costly and risky.

It requires skilled surgeons who perform many successful surgeries each year.

In regions with lower healthcare standards, this can be dangerous, especially for women who want to have children.

I’ve seen young doctors cause serious harm during surgeries that could affect a woman’s chances of conceiving.

Plus, myomectomy is invasive and doesn’t guarantee a permanent solution; fibroids can regrow in about 85% of cases.

I recommend surgery only in emergencies when fibroids are very large and threatening vital organs or could burst, which can be life-threatening. No fibroid should ever reach this point!

Wow, Doctor Please Tell Us About your Formula And How It Can Help Rid Fibroid  For Good?

So this formula is called Fibrozin active complex

Fibrozin active complex is a CLINICALLY PROVEN Holistic formula which works to Permanently Reverse Uterine Fibroids, Naturally and Safely, Boosting fertility, and also aids in Regaining Your Natural Balance.

By providing fibrinolytic (fibrin eating) enzymes specifically selected to address fibrin build up…

Fibrozin was formulated by the best minds in female reproduction physiology, to support fibroid dissolving, hormonal balance and also give a boost to fertility.

Fibrozin is made from selected super plant extracts that produce a natural source of;

  • Systemic proteolytic enzymes: Dissolve blood cloth and facilitate the breakdown of rogue proteins in your bloodstream.
  • Antioxidants: Helps you scavenge free radicals and prevent the proliferation of fibroid cells.
  • Non-proteolytic enzyme constituents: They increase the efficacy of the proteolytic enzymes.

You can also take Fibrozin to safely regulate hormonal balance and modulate inflammation while promoting the reduction of fibrin.

It is the best natural fibroid treatment without surgery.

What Results Are To Be Expected From Using Fibrozin?

Patients should ultimately expect a total healing and shrinkage of every trace of fibroid in their uterus (regardless of size and type) and no further regrowth.

  • No More Pain or Bloating
  • No More Heavy Periods
  • No More Bladder Pressure
  • Healthy and Gradual Weight Loss
  • Improved General Health and Quality of Life

However Healing Will Come In Three Phases:

Phase 1: Balance Hormones

This would occur in the first 15 days of taking Fibrozin…

Thanks To The Presence Of Vitex Derived From The Semen Persicae Herb

Vitex is a gentle remedy where current research support documented historical wisdom.

It is a slow acting but reliable, highly effective and supreme compound for women when it comes to regulating hormonal health and balance

  • This compound works by stimulating the PituitaryGland
  • The Pituitary gland is a “MASTER” gland which regulates the balance of oestrogen and progesterone in a woman
  • Vitex works on the pituitary gland by enhancing its ability do work and ease symptoms of PMS including menstrual cramps, water retention acne and headaches
  • Vitex also supports the endocrine system to create more progesterone to balance out Estrogen dominance, present in women with fibroid.
  • Vitex also has the ability to totally shrink small tumours in the walls of the uterus and stop heavy menstrual bleeding

Phase 2: Activate Fibronol To Starve Fibroids And Gradually Shrink Them

This phase kicks off after 15days of active intake of fibrozin,

I.E after a certain level of hormonal balance has been achieved..

This phase is activated due to a concentration of multiple fibrin eating enzymes found in black cohosh (A major component of the fibrozin formula).

In fact, a study of 244 patients, black cohosh extract was 9times more effective against uterine fibroid than a drug called tibolon.

One 3-month study in 244 postmenopausal women found that supplementing daily with 40 mg of black cohosh may decrease the size of uterine fibroids by up to 83%

  • Here blood and oestrogen supply will be cut off from existing fibroid thereby inhibiting their further growth
  • Then fibronol enzymes are activated on developed fibroids to break down accumulated fibrin
  • While also allowing the immune system to clean up the site and direct the debris to be processed as waste.
  • This phase can be completed in as little as 15days for smaller fibroids to 45days for larger and more pronounced fibroids
  • Black cohosh also contains chemicals known as isoflavones, which produce oestrogen-like effects in the body
  • it will also help alleviate heavy menstrual flow, constipation and painful cramping associated with fibroid

Phase 3: Activate an Anti-Fibroid Defence To Discourage New Fibroid Growth In Or Around The Uterus

Poria Mushroom another major component of Fibrozin active complex,

Has countless beneficial actions including Anti-tumor, Anti-inflammation, Anti-oxidants, Anti-aging, and Immuno-modulatory.

  • A 2020 study showed that a compound from poria mushrooms (Pachymic acid) killed fibroid cells and acted like an antibody to discourage new growth
  • Polysaccharides in poria mushrooms has also used in potential anti-tumor drugs even for cancer treatment
  • This also protects against anaemia and heart related complication by reducing bleeding, inflammation and oxidative stress.

This powerful herb is a natural source of the verteporfin compound most similar to the enzymes which makes up Wharton Jelly, found in the umbilical cord of babies. 

With continuous intake of the Fibrozin Active Complex, Verteporfin is activate to form a smart defence (in layman term)…

which decreased cell proliferation, gene and protein expression of key factors promoting fibrosis and mechanotransduction in fibroid cells, whose effects can last way over 45yrs.

In other words, this verteporfin recognises foreign fibroid cells, acts as an immunity destroying them without harming normal cells that make up a healthy uterus


Verified Purchase

I took this Fibrozin Active Treatment consistently for 1month and two weeks (in morning and at night)… Woke up to find this expelled fibroid on my bed… ( I know because I took it to the lab and this was confirmed. Thank You soo much

Verified Purchase

I’m currently 38yrs of age. 7 years ago, I had surgery to take out multiple fibroids in my womb. Ever since then, my period totally ceased. The doctor assured me that it would come back with recovery but 6yrs+ and no show!

I’ve gone to several hospitals, tried several treatments, yet nothing. To make matters worse, a smaller fibroid was detected last year.

Fortunately for me, I stumbled on this treatment about 7weeks ago and after much contemplation, I decided to give it a trial.

Even though I’m still on my 3rd bottle, I’m really just excited to say that my period has come back, and not only that my urge for frequent urination has subsided.

I’m yet to go for a test to ascertain it’s effect on the new fibroid, but this positive improvement is worth sharing. Thank you!

Verified Purchase

All I can say is this works… It really does, and no observable side effect on my end.

Verified Purchase

I feel like Fibrozin gave me a brand new uterus. It’s feels almost surreal to have my monthly flow without ending up at the hospital.

My condition was so bad, I missed two consecutive months and my doctor called to confirm I was still alive and kicking.

Thank you Dr Indira for giving me wings to enjoy life as a woman.

Verified Purchase

This treatment has worked so well. Several times while consuming the medication, I’ve expelled multiple fibroid lumps and have seen the size of the bulge in my stomach reduced to a bare minimum. I’m very optimistic about it.

Verified Purchase

I was seriously ill when the doctors came to my village for a medical outreach.

 I couldn’t go out because of the pains were unbearable, so my son begged them to come to me.

I showed them fibroid photo (Ultra-Sound Imaging). They gave me this drug (Fibrozin).

It’s been 3months now, I feel no more pain and no longer look pregnant.


How Can Fibrozin Be Gotten By Our Readers Outside India?

We previously distributed “Fibrozin” through major pharmacies in Europe and Africa, but we ended those contracts because they started selling it at over 500% markup.

I don’t want to create a cure that’s only affordable for the wealthy.

Healthcare should be accessible to everyone.

That’s why we decided to sell “Fibrozin” online, ensuring our users get better prices.

How Will This Online Sale Work?

This interview will be translated into local languages, and prices will be shown in your currency.

To reduce shipping time from India, we’ve partnered with Health Living, which operates in over 36 countries.

They will ship “Fibrozin” directly to their stores.

So, as long as you see this interview in your language and the price in your currency, you can expect delivery within 24-48 hours.


 So This Part We Have Confirmed… But For The Sake Of Concerned Readers, Could You Let Them Know What Medical Certification This Treatment Possesses?

Most definitely…

This treatment is classified Safe for Consumption and holds 4 world recognised certification from…


Is There Any Restriction To Who Can Use It?

Yes, this treatment can be used by all women of reproductive age, diagnosed with Fibroids…

EXCEPT Pregnant and Breast-Feeding Mothers.

The child will have to be totalled weaven off the mother, before she can proceed with treatment.

Awesome!… Is There Anything Else You’d Like To Tell Our Readers?

Your uterus is a delicate organ that brings new life into the world, so you shouldn’t ignore the presence of fibroids.

If you’re interested in the Fibrozin Active complex, consistency is key.

Don’t get too excited by early relief; it’s important to stick to the treatment.

Our goal is not just to shrink fibroids but to prevent them from coming back.

You should take the treatment for at least 3 months: 1 supplement in the morning and another at night after meals, with water.

To help ease financial stress, we’ve arranged for a 40% discount on all official orders.

ith the publisher’s permission, the OFFICIAL ORDER FORM will be available right after the interview.

Simply enter your name, phone number, and a few details, then click the “ORDER NOW WITH 40% DISCOUNT” button.

An operator will call you to explain the product and answer any questions about treatment and delivery.

You won’t pay anything until the treatment is delivered to you.

Black Friday Discount Ends In Less Than 48hrs

15 Days Supply

1 Bottle Of Fibrozin Active Complex

CFA 17,500 37,250

Free Delivery

1 Month Supply

2 Bottles Of Fibrozin Active Complex

CFA 27,500 75,000

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2 Month Supply

4 Bottles Of Fibrozin Active Complex

CFA 47,500 150,000

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3 Month Supply

(Recommended) 6 Bottles Of Fibrozin Active Complex

CFA 67,500 235,000

Free Delivery


To The End Of Discount Offer!
48 hrs

Attention: If you are not financially ready to get this treatment, please do not place a request…

Due to limited stock, we do not make reservations, as delivery will be made to whoever is readily available, irrespective of time of request.

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